Because they are the only ones I have of the completed coat, here are a few photos shot in my indoor "studio location".

I like how the mink peeks out from behind the outer coat at the front and collar edges.

The top button pulls a bit as you can see in the buttoned-up photo. I think I probably sewed it on a bit too high, above the point where the collar starts to curve. However, all things considered I am pleased with how the collar looks, since I had to adapt the pattern to match the front edge and collar of the fur.

The coat is hemmed a bit longer than Vogue called for. This decision was motivated entirely by the need to control flare. I thought the 3" hem Vogue wanted me to sew would have been unwieldy.

I've already blogged about the construction of the edges on the coat. Here are a couple more pictures. First, to the right is the front edge, showing how the bias strip is hand-tacked to the interfacing/lambswool layer below.

By the way, I used a small glovers needle with ordinary sewing thread to do all hand-sewing on the leather, even though an ordinary needle would have been able to pierce the soft leather. Glovers needles have a triangular tip (think bayonet) that went through this leather very easily.
My souvenir hat:
So here's a few shots of the locale. Can you feel the wind chill?
Bullock's Bistro. I had the musk ox. The place was hopping!
Yellowknife, old and new. The Wildcat Café was closed for the season.
I was the most stylish passenger in this dog sled. Notice how the dogs are all different colours and do not have bushy long fur. I thought sled dogs would look like the ones in this Wikipedia article. Instead, they are Alaskan Huskies, which apparently originated from the "Native Village dog" i.e. a miscellaneous domesticated canine which happens to live in the far north. And loves to run. These doggies were anxiously waiting to be hitched up (I think 10 of them pulled 4 of us).
And the northern lights (Aurora Borealis) were out, and were seen, but not photographed by me (due to inadequate camera + frozen digits). Here's one taken by the pros at AuroraMAX, on one of my two late nights outside in Yellowknife.
Now I'm back at home, and looking for a simpler project!
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