In case you are still thinking about which visa to apply for, the Panama Immigration Spanish version has a handy reminder that "Effective August 26, 2008, [Law] Decree 6 of February 22, 2008, will be in force". The English version has not been updated since early 2007.
This means that in 30 days minimum investment and solvency requirements are likely to have been doubled and several visa categories (including the Rentista second passport) will have been eliminated.
This means that in 30 days minimum investment and solvency requirements are likely to have been doubled and several visa categories (including the Rentista second passport) will have been eliminated.
* They forgot to word "Law"
More about the new Panama Immigration Law in:
Immigration and Visas
Regulations for Immigration Law are being drafted
2008 Immigration Law finally published
New draft Panama Immigration Law slows down.
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